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Web Hosting Support

Web Hosting - Support and Training

For now this page will focus on specific help and support in managing our site and it's mirror. Both HostPapa and GoDaddy provide some great help and videos for setting up and maintaining hosted domains and subdomains. The list on this page will grow and change as appropriate.

Resource Link Comments
 HostPapa Support hostpapa support  HostPapa support centre - Knowledgebase, guides and downloads
 HostPapa Tutorials hostpapa turorials  Video Tutorials at HostPapa, to help you get the best out of cPanel.
 GoDaddy Tutorials godaddy tutorials  Not that well laid out, but still a useful collection of tutorials from GoDaddy
 Web Hosting Sites Reviews toptenbestwebsitehosting  Review - The Top Ten Web Hosting Companies of 2013
 Top Hosting Companies hosting-review com  Another site reviewing Web Hosts - Far more comprehensive
 Top Australian Hosting Companies hosting-review com  Same site - List the top five Web hosts from an Australian perspective


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